Specialized infectious waste treatment
Biomedical waste is defined as waste generated from the health care activities such as treatment, diagnostics, monitoring, preventive, healing or soothing control in both human and veterinary medicine. The overall infectious material can consist of:
- Infectious Medical Waste
Any contaminated waste that can cause harm to human, animal health, or to the environment, typically composed of paper, plastic, glass, metal or fabrics
- Pathological Waste
Waste derived from any tissue from animal carcasses or non-recognizable human specimens
- Infected Sharp Waste
The kind of wastes that includes anything that can pierce the skin like syringes, needles, scalpels and blades.
- Infectious Liquid Waste
Liquid form of waste that are prone to propagate microbes and virus such as blood, pleuralfluid, peritoneum, pericardium, amniotic and synovia.
- Laboratory Waste
Laboratory glassware disposal boxes, sharps containers, or regulated medical waste boxes.
- Pharmaceutical Waste
Contains medicinal drugs that are expired, unused, contaminated damaged or no longer needed.