integrated services

integrated waste

Complete disposal solutions that leave nothing to chance

In handling waste material, the primary concerns are safety, health, and sustainability. We operate and maintain the infrastructure to achieve all 3 objectives. From simple urban waste to the most complex industrial cleanups, we cover all bases in integrated, seamless fashion that eliminates communication breakdowns and operations challenges.

Waste Collection, Handling, and Storage Management

Collection of household and office waste on weekly schedule. The waste is transported and stored in our waste transfer facilities before further transportation to a landfill.

Solid Waste Transfer Station Construction & Management

We construct and operate solid waste transfer stations which function as intermediary waste collection centres, which smoothen waste collection activities and reduce overall costs of transporting waste all the way to the landfills.

Waste Recovery and Recycling

We round out our waste disposal services with dedicated waste separation facilities, where reusable waste is recovered, recycled, and reintegrated into the economy.

Landfill Management

Disposal of waste into designated areas using proper techniques to eliminate risks to human health and nature. We manage leakage of degrading materials using a membrane bioreactor and NF purifying technology, insulating the landfill from air, soil, and water. As a recycling effort, we also collect the gas formed by decomposing waste with a gas chimney to be used as energy.

Waste Transportation & Disposal

Our staple service to city governments. Collected waste is pooled at intermediary waste transfer stations to minimize operational and environmental problems during waste transportation. Furthermore, they act as central collection points before waste is moved to landfills, reducing costs and improving the efficiency of waste collection.

Compost Facility Establishment & Operations

50% of domestic waste is organic. Why throw organic waste away when it can be the perfect fertilizer? We process organic waste in our facilities for use in agriculture, making a positive contribution to the economy while reducing the volume of waste that enters landfills